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Develop your AI know-how

Free tips and advice to help you use AI for learning design.

Enhance your learning experiences with AI

My blog covers various AI topics, tools and use cases showing how AI can be used to design learning.


Dive in and explore, and don't forget to subscribe!

Woman holding phone with ChatGPT app open

Get more out of generative AI

My prompting guide shows you how to write effective prompts and utilise prompting techniques for generative AI tools, like ChatGPT.

I'm Rick Grammatica — welcome to the AI Learning Designer!

As a teacher, trainer and learning designer with a Masters of Education, I've designed and led learning experiences for various organisations in a number of countries. 


I explore how AI can help people design learning experiences. Follow my thoughts and findings on my blog or LinkedIn.


And, get in touch if you'd like to improve your learning design with AI.

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