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AI Talking Head Videos for Learning

Updated: Nov 18, 2023

You may have tried text or image generators, like ChatGPT or Midjourney, but how about using AI to create video? AI video generators can help you create video quickly and cheaply, including lifelike talking head videos.

What are the types of AI generated video?

AI video generators work by converting a text prompt or script to video — some tools can even make video out of an image! There are three main types of video output from these tools: animation, stock footage and talking heads.

You may have seen some impressive animated videos shared online, though they have a distinct style which lacks realism. I’ve tried stock footage AI video generators, such as Pictory, and although they can produce a video quickly with a realistic voiceover, the output is generic and difficult to personalise to your audience.

AI talking head videos, on the other hand, can produce realistic looking and sounding videos. So, if you’re looking to use AI to create videos, talking head videos may be the best choice.

What are AI talking head videos?

AI talking head videos contain lifelike AI avatars who will read out a text script. The video below is an example of an AI talking head video, created for free using Synthesia. I uploaded a short script and it was ready within minutes.

Video transcript

So, what are AI talking head videos? AI talking head videos use virtual avatars, like me, that can be customised according to your desired look and feel. So, what do you think?

HeyGen and Synthesia are two popular platforms for AI talking head videos. You can choose from a variety of avatars, voices and backgrounds, and add other imagery. You can also record footage of yourself and create a video with you as the avatar — even translated into a different language!

Can AI talking head videos aid learning?

AI talking head videos have a range of applications in learning situations, though you should choose the situation carefully.

Good use cases include:

Engaging topic introductions:

AI talking head videos can serve as an engaging medium to introduce new topics or concepts, making the introduction more personal and interactive. An induction course, for instance, could employ an avatar to welcome a new staff member in a friendly and engaging tone.

Policy and compliance training:

AI talking head videos can articulate company policies or compliance requirements in a clear and professional manner. The visual presence of a speaker on-screen can lend an authoritative tone to the information, reinforcing its importance.

Customer service training:

AI talking head videos can simulate customer interactions. The ability to visually demonstrate both good and bad examples of customer service can be a powerful learning tool.

AI talking head videos are less suitable for:

Emotional topics:

Discussing emotionally sensitive or complex topics requires human empathy and understanding, making real educators a better choice. For mental health resources, as an example, a human touch would be more suitable.

Conveying authenticity

When the authenticity of the educator or trainer is paramount for credibility or engagement, real individuals outshine AI avatars. An expert guest speaker would bring a level of authenticity and credibility that an AI avatar couldn't match.

Complex demonstrations

With complex or detailed visuals, a simple voiceover is preferable to a talking avatar, as the avatar may distract from the visual.

Personal connection

If fostering a rapport or relationship with learners is a priority, like in counselling or mentorship programmes, the personal connection established by real individuals is crucial.

What are the pros and cons?

As highlighted above, there are certain scenarios where AI talking head videos are more suitable. Here are some pros and cons to help you decide if they are the right choice for your project:


  • Professionalism and personalisation — The human-like interaction of talking head videos can create a sense of professionalism or personalisation to your e-learning.

  • Cost-effectiveness — These videos are a budget-friendly alternative to high-quality animations or interactive videos.

  • Scalability — AI facilitates easy editing and creation of video content, making scaling the content straightforward.

  • Customisation — Avatars can be tailored to fit various scenarios and learner demographics.

  • Availability — Unlike real actors, AI avatars are accessible around the clock for content creation.


  • Limited visual stimuli — For complex ideas, the visual representation in talking head videos may be insufficient, with infographics or animations serving as better alternatives.

  • Lack of familiarity — Engaging known experts or colleagues in videos can lead to greater trust and engagement.

  • Non-verbal cues — Real people can provide a wider range of non-verbal cues or acting capabilities.

  • Accuracy — Avatars may not always exhibit perfectly realistic speech, especially in translated videos.

  • Bias — The avatars and voices may lack diversity, so make sure to choose ones that are diverse and represent your audience.

Personalised talking head avatars:

AI talking head videos can be combined with large language models to communicate in a more personalised way depending on the user’s response. This can create an engaging, interactive and personalised learning experience, one which is more scalable than a one-to-one with a tutor or trainer.

Here are some use cases:

Customer service skills:

Avatars can be programmed to simulate a variety of customer scenarios, allowing learners to practise responses, problem-solving and customer engagement. The avatars can provide personalised feedback based on the learner's performance, enabling them to refine their customer service skills.

Interview skills:

Utilise avatars to mimic real interview situations. Learners can practise answering common interview questions, and the avatars can provide tailored feedback on their responses, body language and presentation skills, aiding in better preparation for real interviews.

Sales training:

Sales personnel can interact with avatars simulating potential customers, practising their sales pitches and handling objections. The avatars can provide personalised feedback on how well the learner addressed customer concerns and adhered to sales protocols.

Technical support training:

Avatars can simulate users facing technical issues, allowing learners to practise troubleshooting and problem-solving. They can provide personalised feedback on the effectiveness and efficiency of the learner's solutions.

Should you use AI talking head videos for learning?

AI talking head videos can be used to design engaging, personalised learning experiences, especially when using a real expect or actor is not an option. They offer cost-effective, scalable training while providing visual and verbal learning stimuli. However, they may lack the authentic, authoritative and emotional engagement of real instructors and can fall short when conveying complex concepts or emotional nuances.

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